Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Whatever Wednesdays

Today I just thought I'd mention our Valentine's Day plans - please let me know what you think....

Since our plan is to give out cookies on Valentine's Day, I thought that first thing that morning you ladies could come over and we would decorate and package the soft sugar cookies which I can bake before hand. Then we can make the tags to go on each cookie which will say Happy Valentine's Day! God loves you! or something to that effect. I bought cellophane Valentine's day bags which I hope the cookies fit in so we'll tie on the tags with ribbon or raffia and head out to give them away. Mum and I thought we could each have a basket of cookies and just walk around downtown and hand them out to whoever we come across. People working in stores, businesses, on the street in the post office etc. I don't think we should give away cookies to customers in stores though, since the owners may get upset.

What do you think? I am hoping that by doing this we may open the doors to talk about the gospel but at the very least people will receive the message that they are loved on Valentine's Day by the One who loves them the more than anyone else could.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. It would be cool to write... Will you be HIS Valentine? on one side and God Loves You on the other. could put a scripture reference under Be HIS Valentine about Gods Love or being "saved"
