Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bible Study Tuesdays

The commentary notes are by Pastor David Guzik and are taken from www.blueletterbible.org unless otherwise noted.

Matthew 2

Vs. 1-2 : The wise men....

These men were not kings, but wise men, which means they were astronomers. There were not only three, but probably a great company. they did not come on the birthnight but many days or even months later. See vs. 11.

Church traditions even tell us their names - supposedly Melchior, Caspar and Balthasar. You can see their supposed skulls in a cathedral in Cologne, Germany.

When they ask "Where is he who has been born the King of the Jews?" This shows that the whole world was looking for the Messiah, not only Israel.

"We have seen His star in the East"....It is significant that God meet them in their own medium: He guides the astronomers by a star.

My notes - This made me think about how God reaches out to each of us in the best way for us...in a way we can relate to and understand. What works for one person may not work for another.

The wise men came first to Jerusalem assuming the leaders of the Jews would be aware and excited about the birth of their Messiah.

Vs. 3 -

Herod was famous for both his magnificent public building projects and his ruthless, cruel paranoia.

Motivated by hos great paranoia and cruelty he murdered the members of the Sanhedrien, his wife, his mother in law and his three sons.

He was troubled and all Jerusalem with him....The fact that all Jerusalem was troubled with Herod was either due to the fact that the people of Jerusalem rightly feared what sort of paranoid outburst might come from Herod upon hearing of a rival king being born or because of the size and dignity of this caravan from the east.

Vs. 4-6
When Herod asks the chief priests and scribes where Christ should be born and they answered "In Bethlehem of Judea"....This shows that sadly these experts have the right information (quoting Micah 5:2) but they seem to have no interest in meeting him for themselves. (Read Micah 5:2)

Vs. 7-8
Because Herod ordered the murder of all boys 2 and under we can assume that the wise men first saw the star on the night Jesus was born, a year or so previously. Herod ordered the execution of children 2 and under just to be safe.

The journey from Persia to Judea was not quick - they may have left as soon as possible.

Herod says "Bring back word to me that I may come and worship Him also." The irony is strong. Herod claims to want to worship Jesus when he really wants to kill Him.

Vs. 9-12
The star continues to lead them - it went before them. It was a supernatural phenomenon.

The idea that there were three wise men comes from there being three gifts given.

Gold representing royalty, frankincense representing priesthood and myrrh representing death.

They worshipped Jesus - this is more important that their gifts. Imagine impressive dignitaries bowing before a young child.

Note from me - This really made me think about how they had to set aside their pride to worship Him, to bow down before a child. It is like that with our faith. We need to set aside our pride and vanity and just come to the Lord and worship. We can't care what others may think of us all that matters is what God thinks of us.

Their worship is also shown in their obedience. They are obedient to the heavenly dream and leave without serving as Herod's informants.

We see 3 different responses to Jesus and all people respond in one of these three ways.
1) Herod displayed an open hatred and hostility toward Jesus.
2) The chief priests and scribes were indifferent toward Jesus, all the while retaining their religious image.
3) The wise men sought out Jesus and worshipped Him - even at a great cost.

Vs. 13-15
Flee to Egypt....Since there was a large Jewish community there it isn't odd that the Holy Spirit would lead them there.

Joseph obeyed immediately.

Note from me - It is so important that Joseph obeyed immediately. He did not delay, he didn't hum and haw about it. God told him to go and he did. If he hadn't the consequences could have been dire. When God tells us to do something whether through His Word, the nudge of the Holy Spirit etc. we must obey immediately. As one of my friends says "delayed obedience is disobedience". To wait, or put it off until it is more convenient for us etc. is to thumb our noses at God.

Hosea 11:1 is the prophecy mention in vs. 15. (read Hosea 11:1)

Vs. 16-18
A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and great mourning - this is a quote from Jeremiah 31:5. Rachel is a picture of Bethlehem's mothers.

Again we notice Joseph's obedience.

Vs. 22-23
The phrase He shall be called a Nazarene is not a Biblically recorded prophecy, but probably just a well known rabbinical prophecy or interpretation.

Nazareth was a city which did not have a particularly good reputation (Read John 1:46) Yet God the Father did not feel it necessary to have Jesus come from a "good" city.

Questions -
1) Why do you think the chief priests and scribes had no interest in meeting the Messiah although they knew the prophecies speaking of his coming?

2) Have you ever thought of obedience as worship?

3) Why do you think the commentary says "Their worship is also manifested in obedience"?

4) When told to go to Egypt Joseph left immediately. Are you always quick to obey when God prompts you or convicts you of something? If not why? What can we do?

There you have it - our study for this week.
Happy Tuesday!

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