Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Whatever Wednesday

Here is something I wrote down sometime ago that really spoke to me so I thought I would share it with you.

Thought for Today - Phil Callaway

I don't know too many people who have more to complain about than my mother. She has broken both hips in seperate falls, lost her husband, her hearing and her freedom. Yet she cannot find time in her schedule to gripe. It's like she has stepped back a little farther than most of us, seeing the bigger picture, thinking not on what is wrong but on what God is making right. Grateful people don't think less of themselves they think of themselves less often.

Thanksgiving helps us focus not on what is missing but what remains. Not on what has taken place but what is yet to come.

Thankful people are quicker to accept than analyze, to compliment than to criticize.

Helen Keller thanked God for her handicaps "Through them" she wrote "I have found myself, my work and my God."

Proverbs 23:7 (NASB) For as he thinks within himself, so he is.

Think - True Thoughts
Noble Thoughts
Right Thoughts
Pure Thoughts
Lovely Thoughts

Set our minds on things above - not earthly things Col. 3:2

Dark thoughts find it hard to dwell in a mind set on light.

Happy Wednesday!

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