Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Sermons

This sermon was preached on January 16th ....

It is titled - Remember Lot's Wife and is from Luke 17:22-32.

- Jesus reminds us of God's judgement.
The story we look at is found in Genesis 19 ( read the account ~smile~)
- She was well aware of God's judgement.
- She was well aware of the sin of Sodom - she witnessed it.
- Sodom and Gomorrah were filled with iniquity, thoughts were only evil continually.
- The Bible condemns iniquity always.
- Proverbs says - Fools make a mock at sin.
- Be not deceived, God is not mocked - what you sow you reap.
- She heard what the angels said - knew what God's judgement meant and that is was about to happen.
- We live in such times now.
- Jesus is coming and will exercise judgement.
- She knew the way of escape. she needed to believe and leave - quit living in wicked location and go to the mountain.
- Bible tells us to come out from the world and be separate.
- Leave iniquity - Go to God.
- Timothy was told to flee youthful lusts - it wars against the soul, pursue righteousness.
- You can't redeem yourself. Only Jesus saves.
- She knew what she needed to do.
- Son in law mocked Lot - he was not saved.
- She was well urged to escape - there were no half measures.
- We can't save others of ourselves - but we must do as Jude says and save other from fire.
- Angels did all they could to save her.
- If we sin willfully after being saved there is no hope left.
- She knew the danger of hesitating - warned don't even look back.
- David's downfall resulted from a look.
- Idle hands are the devil's playground.
- David lazed, looked, lusted, lapsed and languished.
- 2 Sam. 11 One sin led to another.
- Psalm 32
- Angels warned Lot's wife not to even look - Lot began to bargain.
- You can't play with fire and escape. Sooner or later it will catch up with you.
- You can't even look because that look will take you down a road you will regret for the rest of your life.
- Abstain from fleshly lusts - Have nothing to do with it.
- Just quit if you need help seek it.
- Flee.
- Do we want to continue living in Sodom?
- You can't live in Sodom and not have a negative impact on your life.
- Acts 17 God commands all men to repent.

Another wonderful sermon - obviously my notes don't do it justice but you get the main points. If you ever want to watch a sermon for yourselves you can Sunday afternoons at 5:30 on channel 12.

Happy Sunday again!

1 comment:

  1. I read a Christian book about understanding how men's minds work. It stated that men have a very visual mind and that once they see something, it becomes imprinted on their brains. this is why pornography is so dangerous and harmful. This is why God tells us to abstain from fleshly lusts.
    One comment:Lot's wife did not have eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, as it was not available at that time. At the time of sodom and Gomorrah, righteousness was gained through observance of the Ten Commandments and was based on works, not faith, and a person could lose their right standing with God by committing sin. That is why the high priest had to do the yearly sin, blood sacrifice. However, we who are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, have been made the righteousness of Christ FOREVER. Our salvation is based on our belief of who Jesus was and faith in what he accomplished through his death and resurrection. Our eternal salvation is just that, eternal, by faith in Jesus Christ. We CAN NOT LOSE OUR SALVATION, even if we sin, because our salvation is not based on our works or righteous, but by faith on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ's. That is why we are now living in the "Age of Grace". God sees us through the work of Jesus Christ. He sees us as the righteousness of Christ.
