Monday, January 31, 2011

Just a Thought

This morning I was assaulted with grief and despair over past actions which were sinful. It was a bad moment where I just felt so bad about it and could not shake it even after praying about it. These things happened many years ago but the memory came flooding back full force - I felt so guilty I thought I just want to die.

Suddenly I felt God saying but you have died already. You have died to that sinful life. The old man has passed away you are a new creature.

It is true that person I was is dead. Hallelujah! Praise God! His mercies are new every morning!

Just thought I would share the wonders of God's love I have experienced today.



  1. It really helped me when I learned that God sees me as I am in Jesus, completely forgiven, completely righteous, completely loved. When God's word tells us that we are "complete" in Jesus, the literal translation means "completely, complete". I rejoice that God sees me through the looking glass of Jesus Christ!

  2. The blood of Jesus completely covers and obliterates our sin; God can no longer see them,
