Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Money Matters Monday

A day late but here none the less....

There is an old saying a penny saved is a penny earned. It is true. Why not pay yourself instead of the stores?

My son makes fun of me for stopping at three or four different stores when we go shopping but I save quite alot of money by shopping the sales at different stores (Only if I am in town already otherwise I'd be spending more on gas than I saved on sales!) A little extra time spent shopping pays me in the money I save.

You can also pay yourself by making foods and snacks from scratch. It really doesn't take so much effort and it saves ALOT of money.

Spending some time researching money saving ideas is another way to pay your self. There are many great websites full of ideas out there just try searching frugal on Google.

If you look at money saving as a job that pays it puts a whole new spin on the effort.

Remember if you look after the pennies the dollars look after themselves.

Happy Monday!

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