Monday, February 7, 2011

Money Matters Monday

Today's idea is to cook once eat twice (or more *wink*) Whenever you make a casserole, meatloaf, roast, chicken...well really anything you make double the recipe. Roast two chicken instead of one, cook two cassroles, make a double batch of stew etc. Eat one a freeze the other. It uses the same amount of electricity or gas to make double so you save money there but the bigger savings come when you have a meal already to go all you need to do is defrost it.

How often do you not feel like cooking? You've had a long day at work, you feel yucky etc. The end result is either a fast food stop or buying prepared food at the store. This costs so many times more than a home cooked meal that it is like tossing money out the window not to mention it is not a healthy choice usually. So by having the option of a meal ready to be microwaved at home you will save oodles!

Another bonus to doing this is that if there is a time when someone you know needs a meal - they are sick, just had a baby, they lost a loved one etc. etc. you are able to help them out in a pinch by defrosting the meal you already prepared! So easy to be a blessing to someone with a need. ~smile~

Happy Monday!

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