Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bible Study Tuesdays

There was so much great stuff in the commentary that I just couldn't whittle it down much so here is the link to the whole thing.

My comment..
vs. 13-14 - Just as Jesus came of His own free will to be baptized so must each one of us. we cannot force anyone to take this important step. Their heart must be right and they must do it for the right reasons.

Questions -

1) Do you think if John the Baptist were to have come today he would have started in the wilderness? Do you think he would have dressed the way he did?

2) Would you listen if he did come that way?

3) Do you think he would have preached such a bold message?

People today often squash the Spirit of God by being too afraid of offending people or too afraid of being unpopular or looked down on. This doesn't mean we should thump people on the head with our Bibles and tell them they are stupid but we should never be ashamed of the gospel or afraid to reach out to others as God leads us to.

4) No need to answer out loud to this one - it is between you and God and no one else. People who came to John recognized their sinfulness, their need to get ready and were willing to do something about it. Do you have any hidden sin holding you back? do you need to get ready? Are you willing to do something about it?

5) Jesus is still coming with judgement. Are you ready? Are your friends and family ready? What are some ways we can help others get ready?

- Pray for them daily. Light a candle each morning or place a special object where you will see it each day. Every time that catches your eye take a moment to pray for you unsaved family and friends. It could also be a bracelet, ring etc. anything that will catch your eye. (This idea of the candle as a reminder to pray comes from Courtney at www.womenlivingwell-courtney.blogspot.com Take time to read her blog if you can it is amazing!)

- Invite them to church, bible study, Christian concerts, dinners and events.

- Give them books tracts etc.

- Talk to them about what God has done for you.

- Talk to them about great sermons you heard or wonderful things you read in your morning Bible reading. Let your love for God show as you share!

- Shine! The unsaved are watching us to see if our lives match what we say. Let the love of god shine through you to others. That is the very vest witness there is.

There are many more ideas I am sure but these are just a few I thought of as I was writing this.

Happy Tuesday!

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