Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday's Study

This week we were on chapter 10 in Matthew. Sorry this is late... it has been a crazy week!
Here is the link to the commentary.

My note- I often think about a story I heard once about an armed gunman who had students lined up and he asked them if anyone believed in God. One girl stepped forward and he shot and killed her. I so admire her refusal to deny her faith in God even in the face of death. Even in dying this girls faith is a witness to all who saw the news reports, all who were there and all who hear this story retold.


1) Have you ever seen first hand the principle of whom God calls he equips?
2) Do you think it would be hard to remain harmless as doves in the face of persecution?
3) Have you experienced persecution from family members? How can we handle that?
4) Do you think you would admit your faith to an armed gunman knowing he'd shoot you if you answered? All you'd have to do is be quiet to stay alive - could you answer?
5) Has the fear of persecution ever stopped you from talking about faith and God?
6) If being a Christian causes division in your family how can you deal with that?
7) After reading all this and learning what being a disciple may entail are you still whole heartedly willing to be a disciple of Jesus?
8) What's in it for you?

Have a happy day!

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