Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Money Saving Ideas - Taking Care of Fabric Items

The old saying "A stitch in time says nine" is very true. This is a money saving idea too.

When you notice a small tear or a loose button or a hem coming undone etc. take the time to repair it. This goes for sheets, towels, blankets, quilts etc. If you do this your belongings last so much longer. It only takes a few seconds to fix a little tear but it can take much longer to fix if you leave it to get worse. You will save money by not needing to replace your items as often. When you are folding your laundry and or ironing take a few seconds to check for issues that need attention and handle it right then.

If you have towels whose edges are frayed you can extend their life by folding in the sides a bit and folding again to tuck in the edge and sewing down the side creating a smooth new edge.

If the towels are worn thin in the middle you can cut them down to make new smaller towels or face cloths. You can even make wash mitts out of them. Just double fold the edges as for creating a new edge.

You can do this with sheets that are worn in the middle but fine everywhere else too and make them into extra pillow cases.

Look for ways to stretch the things you have to their longest life. If you do not have to buy new things as often you will save money.

During World War 2 they had a saying "Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do." It worked then it works now. Our grandmothers knew how to make the most of our resources - we need to get back to that kind of lifestyle.

One other way you can save money is proper care of your fabric items. When you get a spill on something take a minute to treat the stain, again it only takes moments yet saves lots of money in buying new things all the time. One idea that works great on those impossible oily stains is to use dish soap on it as a pretreater. Ironing extends the life of fabrics that require it and make things look so neat and fresh. Follow the recommended washing instructions to get the most life out of your items.

Buy quality whenever you can. Things may cost more but they will last longer and you will save more money in the long run by not having to re-buy the same item over and over. This is a hard one for me since I always look for the best deal, but I failed to realize that cheapest price is not necessarily the best deal. What I do now is shop for quality on sale! Clearance racks are my best friend! ~smile~

Happy Wednesday!

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